Saturday, August 16, 2014

Even more moths

I've been lazy as usual with the moth trap - and I am using the excuse of a wet summer. But I have managed two new species - Green Silver-lines and Small Magpie Moth.
I often see Hummingbird Hawkmoths during summer days in the herb garden feeding, as you'd expect, like hummingbirds - probing their long 'tongues' into flowers whilst hovering on the wing. Difficult to photograph, as they never keep still - but I managed to take this snap in the nieghbour's garden.

Hay time

The farmers around me have been cutting their meadows throughout the year, and storing the hay in their barns.
By mid-July it was time to make the first cut of my flower meadow, which was beginning to look tired.
The Spring flowers have seeded, but it always feels a shame to cut down the first summer flowers which are acting as a pollen and nectar source for insects - most obviously Lady's Bedstraw, Marjoram, Umbellifers and Knapweed.
And showing their faces for the first time - Betony and a species of Dianthus.
And after the cut, a bouquet for the most beautiful woman in the village.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Swinging Sigriswil

Our neighbour village Sigriswil hosted the Oberland Schwingfest.
The school playing fields became an open air stadium.
The flags of Bern, Switzerland and Sigriswil were flying.
The prizes were on display.
And the winner was Kilian Wenger from Diemtigtal - past Swiss champion, and poster boy for Migro supermarkets.