Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cheese doesn't get better than this

It's September at Zettenalp, and all the hard work of Patrick and Manuela over the summer comes to fruition, as the farmers and their families come up to the alp to claim their cheese - to drink wine on the grass where the cows that produced the milk graze. What a spectacle. What an antidote to Lidl.


Local lad from the Kampf family in Sigriswil came second in a national schwingfest - big celebrations in the school hall (our Mayor doing the honours).

Black death

Bumper crop of Horn of Plenty (aka Trumpet of Death) Craterellus cornucopioides - enough for three nights of family pastas.
And a few of my favourite; the hedgehog mushroom Hydnum repandum.

Soft fruits

In autumn, we walked along the lanes under Zettenalp to collect berries - very small this year due to the cold summer, but enough to place alongside our ice creams.