Sunday, July 19, 2020

Pink dolphins

Over 30 years ago I travelled in Peru from Iquitos on the Amazon River down into the Ucayali River.
A walk in the Amazon can often fail to produce many wildlife sightings, as the creatures are shy and their numbers are diluted over the vast expanse of the rainforest. But wildlife comes into the villages. Pets were here made of a White-winged Parakeet (Brotogeris versicolurus)...
...and an injured Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis).
A female yellow-footed Tortoise (Chelonoides denticulatus) was brought in for dinner.
The eggs were separated from the flesh before cooking.
It's plastron now graces one of my book shelves.
Nothing washes tortoise down better than a Cristal beer. 
The trick is to drink enough to have the courage to climb trees, but not so much as to see pink dolphins.
Canoeing alone along small river tributaries in the calm of the evening is a joy.
I took to fishing - but stopped when this piranha took a large chunk out of a finger.
I still bear the scar.
One evening I heard the ripple of water and felt the boat move as something large passed underneath. Ahead of me it surfaced. It was a Pink Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis).


  1. Nothing like a scar from a Piranha!
    Sounds like a really wild place.
    I had to cross check the story about Pink Dolphins on the web, but it's true!!

  2. Wondering if you know where I can purchase any Greg Poole print at all. Is there anyone monitoring the his website? Any information would be helpful.
